Josh Fidler CF-L3, Owner
Bonus Credentials: USAW 1 & 2, CrossFit (CF) Scaling, CF Spot the Fault, CF Programming
Day-Job: Chiropractor, Affiliate Owner, US Army Reserves
Been “CrossFit-ing” since 2013, “Karen” at Gold’s Gym. 20ish Minutes.
Why Turnagain CrossFit? Passionate, Practical & Sincere
A few of my favorite things: Helping those around me have a better day today than yesterday, Archery & Wisconsin Cheese Curds.
When I'm not at CrossFit…. Hobbies outside of CrossFit?! Absurd! But I do love new fitness activities, recently biking.
Spending time with my beautiful wife and super talented daughter. Lastly, reading books about leadership, team building and business.