Kristin Fernandez-Mumm CF-L2
Manager, Coach
CrossFit Level 1 & 2, WAG Certified Nutrition Coach
What do you like to do outside the gym?
I am a full-time competitive gymnastics coach and a founding member of TBA Theatre. Outside of the gym I like to run, ride bikes, and grow vegetables with my husband. I also enjoy cooking but mostly because it leads to eating!
Family, pets, or running solo?
My husband Joe and our giant puppy, Indy.
Ninja Movement
Double Unders & Handstand Walks
Nemesis Movement
Thrusters crush my soul.
Cheat Meal
Mooses Tooth pizza and ice cream.
Favorite WOD
5 Rounds for Time:
12 Deadlifts(155/105)
9 Hang Power Cleans (155/105)
6 Push Jerks (155/105)
If there was a WOD named after you, what would it be?
5 Rounds For Time
100 Double Unders
50 ft Handstand Walk