Taylor Burgh CF-L1
CrossFit Level 1
What do you like to do outside the gym?
Biking of all persuasions and adventures by foot at an unassumingly slow pace.
Family, pets, or running solo?
My husband (and co-coach) Austen and our two husky hybrids Sorel and Fizz.
Ninja Movement
A ninja never reveals their best movement. But unfortunately it’s probably running or burpees.
Nemesis Movement
Rowing the same amount of meters as whatever year something happened.
Cheat Meal
I love me a good cashew cheesecake slice (or 2) from Jack Sprat.
Favorite WOD
10 rounds for time:
3 snatches (135/95)
3 bar over burpees
If there was a WOD named after you, what would it be?
4min EMOM x 4
-400m run
-3 rope climbs
-2 power cleans for max weight*
*may add weight between rounds, score = total weight lifted over 4 rounds